Mindful time

Hard to maintain mindfulness when there are so many things clamoring for our attention & people wishing to pile on their stuff on our agendas like unnecessary social events etc
Exercise class is exercise class - be selective with the many socials generated from the exercise classes  & mainly join when I will enjoy it otherwise another thing to think about.
Taking time for health matters is more essential - doing a test today.
Other priorities - bills paying , doing stuff that help me get into the mindfulness habit like reading a book on mindfulness.
Having the right support system is also important in achieving a great life - let all others go/slide away - only prioritize time for the right support system otherwise another obstacle to a mindful life.
Emotional discipline is also important

Drinking a cup of hot tea at just the right temp and just enjoying it is such a good feeling - live in
the now as I was just experiencing a moment ago.

Simply enjoying such moments is life at its sweetest too - not a thought of any cares but just taking  pleasure in drinking perfect tea at home .

Life consists of moments so if we are not mindful of our moments , we  'miss' a lot of  our life


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