
Showing posts from March, 2019

Passage Time

‘To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven’....... Time to be born - J, H, S Time to die - M, F,   M, Eden, Ellie Time to plant & plucked what is planted - various homes -  Carlingford/Parramatta/Baulkham Hills/Epping Linkage Time to kill - off unnecessary stuff Time to heal - sickness Time to breakdown - stuff no longer needed Time to build up - new skills , younger family mbrs Time to weep - emotional times Time to dance - celebrations Time to mourn - those who are no longer with us on earth but still with us in spirit Time to cast away stones - when gardening Time to gather stones - when building structures Time to embrace - those we love Time to refrain from embracing - people not good for us Time to get -  honest Time to lose -  old no longer useful ideas Time to keep - truthful ideas Time to cast away - wrong thoughts Time to tend - to conscious living Time to rend - whatever is not good for us Time t...

Cafe Time

Belle Cafe at Vacluse - New South Head Rd Bookocino at Avalon Beach Muji S’pore - Plaza Singapore East Gosford Art Gallery cafe

Staycation1 Time

Lots of  exercise classes Yummy food / Cooking Enjoyable lunch meets Walks in interesting places Comfortable base to read good books Finish quilting rug project Learning applique Watching TV cooking shows Essential Oils Pots Gardening  Catch up meets Declutering , home maintenance , redesign space

Olden Days Time

Families live simply We and 3 other families live with my grandma It was the 'family'  house - none of the above families own their own house even though each family also have 4-5 children . How we forget and think that home ownership is so important. We and another family start to move out when the government start to build affordable flats for the people. Finally the Landlord took back the leased land and compensate my uncle for their 'family' house. As a kid , we walk miles to school passing a village where the locals don't even have their own tap water and could be seen filling buckets up from the free public taps provided in the village square. We have to cross a canal that only have a log across it . On rainy days it was quite frightening and we walk through a more prosperous district to get home .This other way was another 1/3 longer in length hence not often use by us. For primary school recess , we will given 20 cents daily for food and dr...

Stretch Time

Trying to decide whether or not I should pay for an online book writing course . Cost about $600 - $700 Told myself  if  I make some extra money from investing will use the bonus for the course Guess it could be stretch time Other  stretches I need Drive better

Vision Time

What one thing will be make the most important difference to my life & my family life ? The chief cause of  failure is giving what we want most for what we want now - no long term perspective . -   from Denning's Vision Board course How often does the fog of  life make us give up rather than stay the course - swimmer giving up just before her shore target as she was beat by the fog this time round . A  new skill ? Weight -  63 kg Exercise regime - for health Don't make Vision B too crazy or too overwhelming - scattered mind Put VB somewhere where I can see it at least twice a day  -fill my mind with what's on my vision board A nice Other Base for staycation between places

Staycation time

Right now enjoying a Luke Ngyuen’s cooking episode on television - he is travelling & cooking in Vietnam - interesting local scenes & good cooking tip Nice walking group walk to Cremone Point Social Events Quilting Hobby  Pot a nice pink flowers plant  Exercise classes

Unlimited Time

‘ In finding his inner life ........  we find ourselves unlimited in terms of ‘here’  or ‘there’ , ‘now’ or ‘hereafter’.  There is a going in and a coming out without  any sense of  time or space , an unfolding without  degree, a realisation without an object. ‘  Joel Goldsmith - The Infinite Way Life just happens & bring us wonderful experiences

Scattered Time

When we don't slow down and 'zen' our activities , we have a tendency to use time hastily sometimes for stuff we should  not even be involved with or dispense unwanted advice . When we ply too many unconsidered activities in our life , we lack focus and is wasting our own life energy.  Better to slow down & be purposeful and intentional about our activities rather than be driven by FOMO - not good for our own health and also creating un-necessary tension for people around us by a normally frenzied mindset in FOMO attitude & behaviour. Evaluate what is really important to us & avoid scattered thoughts 

Progress time

Time really counts Everything ‘progress’ in time like new inventions or new ways of doing things

Food Time

'One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.'  Virginia Woolf  (A Room of  One's Own) I share the same sentiments. Better to enjoy delicious food with family & friends in our home base than spend wads of dollars in overseas travel if one have to choose between the two. Spreading out the funds through the year that I would have spend on travels to enjoy meals with love ones is more gratifying for me I think.

Travel time

One reason I think why we did not travelled as much in earlier years is because it was hard to leave the house and dogs by themselves for too long. Day to day housing is important to consider so that it does not affect too much the amount of  time desired for travel. Places I will like to see one day -  Spain - El Camino de Santiago                                                        diff parts of Asia - markets & culture                                                        (Mynamar , Nepal)                                                        ...

Early Years Time

Women in my mother's time were generally considered inferior to their male siblings ; the reason I say this is because if a family only have enough funds to educate some but not all children, the sons will get the education but not the daughters like in my mother's family . Her elder sister got some education because she wanted it and grandma barter for her education by doing the teacher's laundry as we were told by our aunties. It may also be women were considered to be 'married off' & belonging to another family while the sons will still remain in the family to help earn money This lack of educational opportunity affected our mother's opportunities in life and our subsequent upbringing. However she gave us freedom of choice in many ways while we were growing up. Just as well education became more available to everybody when we were growing up and in turn give us more options in life with the education we receive. I exercise compassion when growing...

Injury Time

Yesterday I accidentally hurt my right thumb after an exercise class. Impede my doing tasks as it is sore. So important to prevent injury else makes life that little bit harder for our daily living and invite impatience/dismal as can’t work as normal. Now reading a book about our daimon/calling. Fascinating!

Anchor Time

So that we don’t get ahead of ourself & lose our bearings in life pursuing our calling with excesses Maintaining a home base is a good anchor

Life time

‘The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are’ - Joseph Campbell Encouraged by some email subscriptions to write a book Title of my book will be - Life In Time This Year Diligently writing a daily blog will help me towards the publishing a book idea. Guess time & tide waits for no man so get on with it. This morn waking up early without having to rush to aqua class at 8:30 gives me a luxurious feeling of freedom in time Scroll thru some remodelista blogs - give me some ideas for re-organising my pantry later. Now for a leisurely breakfast ......

Mindful time

Hard to maintain mindfulness when there are so many things clamoring for our attention & people wishing to pile on their stuff on our agendas like unnecessary social events etc Exercise class is exercise class - be selective with the many socials generated from the exercise classes  & mainly join when I will enjoy it otherwise another thing to think about. Taking time for health matters is more essential - doing a test today. Other priorities - bills paying , doing stuff that help me get into the mindfulness habit like reading a book on mindfulness. Having the right support system is also important in achieving a great life - let all others go/slide away - only prioritize time for the right support system otherwise another obstacle to a mindful life. Emotional discipline is also important Drinking a cup of hot tea at just the right temp and just enjoying it is such a good feeling - live in the now as I was just experiencing a moment ago. Simply enjoying such mom...

Structure time

Good to have some kind of structure to our day  This minimise letting most important 3 tasks for the day slip thru without my required attention Nite before good to see how my next day should be panning out notwithstanding any emergency Day will flow better Presently doing laundry while blogging Brekkie next and spend some time quilting today Check the ASR as a daily 'work' task  Do an exercise walk round the block later - not doing pilates class this morn as arms a bit sore from my first band pilates class last evening though I had a good workout Structuring time help me stay more focussed today on my tasks

Manage Time

Sometimes we try to "consume" too much and end up feeling stressed and frazzled Like this morn, I check email and notice couple of  links to webinars I am interested in, without thinking too much I started listening to one and when I was trying to access a second one wonder why I was feeling stressed I realise I was letting these webinars pile on my time and not managing my own agenda. Manage my time today in this order not to feel frazzled Review removalist quote for storage stuff Review health check form Yoga class Tidy up home Check ASR  Meal prep Quilting project Pilates band  All stuff currently not on my agenda can wait or fit it in above if  it doesn't frazzle me out.

In Time

Supposedly 5th day of Autumn but more like a summer day - hot ! Did pilates to 'get moving' . Manage to book the interstate trip but now stopping in Singapore first as this way is cheaper than the domestic return flights I originally wanted. Had a delightful lunch with friend - he enjoy his corn fritters & me a hamburger.Good , not too heavy lunch for today's weather Bought a flower pot, new season quilt & onion bag from Ikea - pleasurable 'In time'  buys. Browse a cookbook 'In time' written by a chef that celebrate 365 days of seasonal dishes in one of the shops. Drank some ginger ale with lemon - nice taste Planning to continue with quilting project & eating leftovers for dinner 

Use Time

Competing needs for my time today. Start off  doing a pilates class this morning  - certainly help with my stiff shoulders from weekend deep cleaning - wonderful teacher Connect by text & phone with couple of friends My own job's tasks  Checkout airfares for an interstate trip I need to take Continue with a quilting project in arvo as being a newbie in quilting I need to keep doing it inorder not to forget the sashing I learn last week in class - delightful hobby  Practice blogging  Cook a meal meanwhile. Remember to add ginger, green onion shoots & Chinese cooking wine to stock before poaching my chicken Chinese style. 

First time

There is a first time for everything like this is my first time blogging . It is an autumn day in Sydney. Looking out at a tree from my lounge but the leaves are not at all autumn like . It had been a hot summer and today still feel summery. Bought a book by Fiona Ferris - 30 more chic days on Amazon. The whole world is so connected these days by technology . We have access to interesting ideas/thoughts from so many different people no matter which part of the world we are in through the Internet. Fun & inspirational when I come across ideas/thoughts that resonate with me & the lifestyle I am choosing to live. Even this blogging idea I learn from a site on the internet. What a wonderful world !